Envision festival in Costa Rica was hot this year with Nova Han Productions taking up the lead and organizing well over 60 performers in what seemed like a seamless explosion of performance art. Love in the Fire brought to Envision Festival fire dance duets that had never been seen before along with a brand new line of costumes for the 2016 performance circuit.

Love in the Fire performing a brand new fire dance routine including staff, fans, dragon staff, and partner contact staff. Photo Credit: ATS Photography
Lester and Samantha collaborated with top-of-the-game musicians like Lafa Taylor, Random Rab, Spoonbill, Shpongle, and Dimond Saints while creating and blending a synchronistic relationship between musicians, performers, and audiences alike. Lester explains “It’s always exciting stepping into someone else’s musical masterpiece and sharing stage in the jungle with songs that are brand new and never heard before! When you link in with the producer of the piece and of course members of the crowd you somehow know when the beat will drop and it visually flows right through you to the audience”.

Lester and Samantha tantalizing the crowd with their partner dragon staff routine during the Shpongle show
Love in the Fire released their new show which is a 20 min love story built from their passion of fire dancing and a new form of contact staff dance they have been working on over the last 2 years. After long training hours the piece was perfectly ready in time. The Festival in general was filled with amazing performance troupes all hand-picked by Nova Han Productions to bring their own unique style and flare. From the huge flames and skill of Pyrodanza, the tight choreography of Enchanted and Soul Fire Productions, mind-blowing dance of Bubble Gutter, and the pure shenanigans of Bijoulette all of the performance artists brought their A-game.

Lester and Samantha of Love in the Fire performing their fire dancing duet at Envision Photo: ATS Photography
Huge thanks goes out to the organizers of Envision Festival, the musicians and DJs that brought their talent, the howler monkeys that kept us up in the morning, and all of you beautiful Envisionaries that joined us in the jungle. Year after year you all make this Love in the Fire’s favorite event!
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